Stories about radio host Bob Sherman, Pete Seeger, Dave Van Ronk, George Wurzbach, Livingston Taylor, Garry Novikoff, and Laura Weber

Chapter 2 Cold Pizza For Breakfast read aloud video
And in case you haven't heard Chapter 1:
I am in a wedding out of town on the 19th, so if you'd like to order this book and do it by the 17th, you get a free CD and I'll mail it out before I leave. I'm playing the wedding march, and am so nervous. I wrote it over a year ago, and I play it ten times in a row when I wake up, and 10 times in a row before I go to bed, then during the day whenever I start to feel panic coming on. I'm sure someone will film it and if I play a clam -- well, the only good thing about that is that the wedding is happening on a beach and it won't be the only clam there.
The free CD is the June issue of the Hudson Harding compilation, or if you prefer something else, just tell me which one you want.
If you're looking for a good movie, "In The Heights" just opened (is in theaters AND on HBO Max) -- it's thrilling. I can say with certainty that it's a film for all ages, all persuasions, and if they were alive Esther Williams, Busby Berkeley, and Fred Astaire would be cheering it on.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
- Starting with Brooks Williams in Cambridge, UK --- closing with B&B in the US -- next month Bob Lind is headliner (yes, The Elusive Butterfly Of Love guy)
- Wonderful food (dining room opens at 5:30) -- spectacular desserts -- LIVE entertainment -- Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the door.
- Believe it or not, when I wrote this song inspired by the 2009 Scripps Spelling Bee, I SPELT TWO WORDS WRONG! Finally I've made up for it.
- Jimmy Webb wrote the perfect song for the launch back in 1978, and here Michael Feinstein sings it.
- Have a favorite in the show? Here's when each performs so you can zip right to them --
- and ends 3 hours later with John McCutcheon live from the States -- watch it LIVE and FREE on FB and YouTube, or listen to audio on
- The true story of my sister Mary's pet albino guinea pig "Piglet" and the day Joe Namath asked if he could pet him
- Sunday, June 13, 2021
- That's what I get for working in the middle of the night when I should have been sleeping! And there's a glitch at the 'store' that will be fixed by Monday
- Stories about radio host Bob Sherman, Pete Seeger, Dave Van Ronk, George Wurzbach, Livingston Taylor, Garry Novikoff, and Laura Weber
- Buy 2 or more CDs and get brand new FREE compilation with new songs and recordings by Sloan Wainwright, Amy Speace, Rob Siegel, me, and others
- I'm not MC-ing this time, I'm in the show -- MCs are Ron Olesko and Sonny Ochs