Have a favorite in the show? Here's when each performs so you can zip right to them --

It was a wonderful night of music. For you Type A personalities, here's a scorecard so you can zip to your fave:
GVFF July 4, 2021
Rod MacDonald welcome 00 - 1:30
Noel Paul Stookey “America The Beautiful” 1:30 - 5:52
Ron Olesko opening remarks 5:52 - 8:00
Christine Lavin introduces Zoe Mulford 8:00 - 9:20
Zoe Mulford 9:20 - 25:22
Tina Ross 27:04 - 41:00
Dave Fry 43:51 - 57:50
The Queler/Farber Family Band 1:01:40 - 1:15:41
Diana Jones 1:19:04 - 1:35:59
Bev Grant 1:38:59 - 1:57:30
Raun MacKinnon Burnham & Jerry Burnham 1:39:24 - 2:18:13
Reggie Harris 2:21:36 - 2:40:33
Roy Zimmerman 2:45:29 - 3:01:22
John McCutcheon 3:04:50 - 3:35:30
Ron Olesko/Christine Lavin 3:35:30 - end; shout outs to The Bottom Line, Deirdre Flint, Raun MacKinnon — Happy 4th Everyone!
- Columnist Jennifer Finney Boylan was inspired by the song to write about her best summer -- what was yours?
- The PFF asked me to help MC, and to do a 15-20 min minute set, which is the exact length of this one song, which is based on something that really happened
- Starting with Brooks Williams in Cambridge, UK --- closing with B&B in the US -- next month Bob Lind is headliner (yes, The Elusive Butterfly Of Love guy)
- Wonderful food (dining room opens at 5:30) -- spectacular desserts -- LIVE entertainment -- Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the door.
- Believe it or not, when I wrote this song inspired by the 2009 Scripps Spelling Bee, I SPELT TWO WORDS WRONG! Finally I've made up for it.
- Jimmy Webb wrote the perfect song for the launch back in 1978, and here Michael Feinstein sings it.
- Have a favorite in the show? Here's when each performs so you can zip right to them --
- and ends 3 hours later with John McCutcheon live from the States -- watch it LIVE and FREE on FB and YouTube, or listen to audio on folkmusicnotebook.com
- The true story of my sister Mary's pet albino guinea pig "Piglet" and the day Joe Namath asked if he could pet him
- Sunday, June 13, 2021
- That's what I get for working in the middle of the night when I should have been sleeping! And there's a glitch at the 'store' that will be fixed by Monday
- Stories about radio host Bob Sherman, Pete Seeger, Dave Van Ronk, George Wurzbach, Livingston Taylor, Garry Novikoff, and Laura Weber