The Seasons Project is in Shenzhen, China right now!

And Shenzhen is halfway around the world, so it will still be a few days. Thanks in large part to two DJs at Fordham radio (John Platt and Don McGee) who have talked up this project, there are now more than 80 people on the wait list to buy it when I have them in hand. There will only be 300 for sale.
My reason for using a local company is that they are in NJ, close by. I don't know if I'll use them again since they didn't tell me they moved their duplicating services to the other side of the world. Maybe it's just me, but if I was moving duplicating to the other side of the world, I'd let my customers know. It adds days to the turnaround time.
It's 80 songs, both wav and mp3 files, and a 480 page PDF with updated lyrics, bios, and photos on all the singer/songwriters. All packaged in a wooden box handmade by Myhailo Chaban in Kyiv, Ukraine, that I have here in my apartment. I just read that aloud and it sounds like I have Myhailo here! No, we have never met, he doesn't speak English and I don't speak Ukrainian. We use online translators so our conversations are inadvertently funny. It's singer/songwriter Judy Kass who found him -- and to her I will be eternally grateful! I have just his 300 handmade boxes -- light ones and dark ones (see what he's got in his hands in the photo).
Here's a 8-1/2 minute video that plays snippets of some of the songs:
Seasons Project Promo Video - 8-1/2 minutes
I haven't taken any orders yet -- I won't til I have them in hand. But since you are on my weblist, your orders will be filled first -- well, second -- first all the songwriters get their copy. Then you.
To get on the wait list, simply drop me a line at and say you want to be on the list (there's no obligation -- and if you already did this, you're on that list of 80+). The day the thumb drives arrive and I test that they are correctly fully loaded, I'll write to everyone on the list to let you know how to order it. Yes, I'm the president of this record company, and the secretary, the thumb-drive-tester, the box stuffer, and the person who carries the boxes to the post office. And the complaint department.
There's more information in the revolving photos on my home page at
Happy Halloween!
- The Seasons Project is in Shenzhen, China right now!
- I finally did it -- All four seasons -- a "boxed set" -- 80 songs, 63 songwriters . . . coming in time for the holidays
- At the end of "French Toast Bread Pudding," Dame Edna pretends she's my upstairs neighbor whose "inner megastar is hungry, possum! Quick sticks!"
- I was invited to Yankee Stadium by one of the team owners, so I brought along as my +1 the most ardent Yankee fan I know: DAVID IPPOLITO
- Buskin & Batteau & Friends (Christine Lavin, John Forster, Shanna In A Dress, Marshal Rosenberg & a special surprise guest!)
- Two videos for "Buskin & Batteau & Friends" in NYC on Saturday at 2 PM, and in New England 4/21 and 4/26
- Imagine - driving to and from a live music show in NYC in DAYLIGHT
- In case you don't know this story . . .on February 2nd, someone cut a hole in the wire mesh that held Flaco captive at the Central Park Zoo. He now lives nearby in Central Park, free as a . . . well, bird!
- The silver lining of the pandemic has been families gathering via zoom -- this lovely song captures the feeling so beautifully -- I knew I had to make a video
- Tom Paxton Tribute - LIVE on FB and YT 7-10 PM Tonight Stookey/Collins/Yarrow/McCutcheon/Lavin/Eberhardt/Near/and many more
- Kirkus Review says, "“If the fate of the planet is in the hands of children, giving them books like this might be a wise idea.”