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Tonight at 9 Eastern meet Canadian luthier extraordinaire Grit Laskin and his "+1"

Tonight at 9 Eastern meet Canadian luthier extraordinaire Grit Laskin and his quot1quot

Grit Laskin might be THE best luthier and inlay artist in the world, but because he is Canadian, he would never say that. But I can. Tonight at 9 I interview him for "One On One Plus One" on He is also a first rate singer/songwriter so I'll be asking him about what he considers his "signature" song, and for his +1 he will introduce to you another Canadian artist I've been a fan of from the first note I ever heard her sing, but never knew the backstory that Grit tells tonight.

If you are near a computer, laptop, or smart phone tonight, I know you'll love this broadcast, so I hope you can tune in.

