The first I intro is Ivan Neville, one of New Orleans' best -- it's $25 a day, but you can go back and rewatch everything later
Here's the link:
If you buy a ticket (hey, I did! Gotta support live music!) when you get to the show page, click on "Experience," one of the blue buttons across the top, then scroll down to "Martin Stage" -- I've been watching all afternoon and it sounds great! If you look closely you can see photographer Jayne Toohey right in front of the stage snapping away. Like an Escher print -- a photograph of a photographer taking a photograph.
I also do this tomorrow, starting earlier -- as they say:
Tonight's show ends with Ben Gibbard, the main dude in "Death Cab For Cutie" -- he was a vegan, now he's a pescatarian -- and not only does he run marathons, he has been performing living concerts every day, partnering with non-profit charities in the Pacific Northwest. So yes, he walks the walk and talks the talk. Who knew the leader of Death Cab For Cutie had the heart of a folksinger?
- Going to the P.O. on Monday at 4 PM to mail out 25 that are going out free with purchase of my new album -- last chance for swag --
- Meet Don White, Megon McDonough, Elizabeth Mosier, Peg Espinola, and Janet Feld -- all doing what they do best
- Celebrating the release of my brand new album, 'ON MY WAY TO HOOTERVILLE' followed by Song-Swap with Surprise Guests on Friday night
- Sing and/or play along with Robin Batteau around 9 PM when he does his classic, "Guinevere" - let me know if you want the sheet music
- Believe me, this is so good, it's worth the asylum I am now living in to send it to you -- Alice Howe's version of "A Case Of You" is worth it alone!
- I chalk it up to working non-stop on my new album (deadline is Friday Noon) -- here's highlights of the Midnight Zoom After Party with Andrew Ratshin, Matt Price, Alice Howe & Freebo
- I was joined by Andrew Ratshin, Matt Price, and Alice Howe & Freebo -- plus a former Jeopardy! champion for smart fun
- Plus the special guests announced for Midnight (Eastern time) Zoom After Party Friday night
- Larry Robbins and George T. Conway III are voices of reason when Wm Barr has clearly gone mad
- My concert is sponsored by McCabe's Guitar Shop in Santa Monica, live on FB at 11 PM Eastern on Friday. The After Party on Zoom immediately follows at Midnight. Finally, something for your night owls!
- The first I intro is Ivan Neville, one of New Orleans' best -- it's $25 a day, but you can go back and rewatch everything later
- 90 minutes whittled down to 47 minutes live from Excelsior, Minnesota--London, England--NYC -- password protected --