If you'd like to be part of a live audience -- turn on your camera, turn on your mic to clap -- come to zoom at 3 --- or go to YouTube if you want to be anonymous

Here's the Private Zoom link for the concert at 3 and the after party at 4:45
Do NOT post the zoom link in any public forum. If you do, we get zoom bombed by meanies. You can share it with friends, but make sure you tell them NOT to post it anywhere. There's only room for 100 in the zoom room. And we like it when you turn on your camera so we can see you having fun.
Here's the link for YouTube if you don't want to be on camera or clapping:
And watch on Facebook (also free) facebook.com/christine.lavin.5
I'll be debuting a new song that I'm really excited about -- wanted to write this for 7 years -- "Ervin & Edith" -- the true story of the man who wrote "Good Morning Heartache" and "It Was A Very Good Year" -- and the woman who inspired both songs.
Happy Super Bowl!
- The story behind the song, "Ervin & Edith"
- The debut of a song I've wanted to write for 7 years, the true story of Ervin & Edith Drake will air late afternoon Sunday on WFUV.org between 5:30 - 6 PM Eastern time - an hour later the online GVFF celebrating Sonny Ochs' 85th birthday!
- My friend Emily Bindiger conducted the singers, Julie Gold sat right in front of me, here's how it ended. Thank you to Phil Klum for mastering the sound at midnight.
- I changed my major SIX times. NOT the way to spend four years, but hey, that's how I did it.
- If you'd like to be part of a live audience -- turn on your camera, turn on your mic to clap -- come to zoom at 3 --- or go to YouTube if you want to be anonymous
- Christine Lavin solo at 3 PM EST then After Party at 4:45 - 6:00 PM EST with Michael Lavine, Kyle Hancharick, Tina Ross, and Craig Werth
- Here's "Secret Gardens Of The Heart" by Judy Collins --
- Today at 5 PM Eastern, then archived for later viewing -- will be approx 1 hour
- Pioneer Valley Song Swap Tonight -- Christine Lavin is the featured performer at 8:15, but from 7-8:15 will be a variety of performers from all over the US
- The first is Shel Silverstein's "The Hills Of Shiloh" that Art Podell sang lead on, and created the arrangement; the second is "Molly," from Biff Rose's debut album, that Art co-produced
- Tonight at 7 PM Eastern -- join me along with Sonny Ochs, Ron Olesko, Daniel Cainer, Claudia & Dan Zanes, Scott Ainsley, Mike Agranoff, David Roth (filling in for Pierce Pettis), Greg Greenway, Rod MacDonald, Kate Taylor, and Art Podell. FREE.
- Dave Lefkowitz is one funny guy - I'll be on his FB page at 11, though behind the scenes starting at 10 -- lots of wonderful guests