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Two events tonight - 7 PM Eastern concert, 8  PM Eastern zoom song circle with two special guests -- here's the link to zoom, but please do not post it anywhere

At 7 PM Eastern time I will be doing a one hour concert

Immediately following at 8 PM will be a Zoom song circle with two of my favorite singer/songwriters in the world -- one is American from the midwest, one is British from London. You might be able to guess who they are. The Zoom song circle links are right here, but we ask you not post them anywhere (or else we get zoom bombers determined to disrupt the event).

AFTERPARTY!!! 8 PM - 9 PM ET, 7-8 PM Central, 1 AM - 2 AM London Time with TWO of my all-time favorite singer/songwriters

Meeting ID: 878 1175 4431
Passcode: 622982

Both events are free, but tipping is greatly welcomed. We are all trying to stay alive during this pandemic, and this is one of the ways we are trying to do that.  But no worries -- if you can't tip, please join us anyway. That's the end of the begging portion of my newsletter.

Have a great weekend -- hope to see you later.  

