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Erik Balkey, Marcia Pelletiere, (Sue Matsuki all but hidden) Margaret Dorn, Deirdre Flint (of The Four Bitchin' Babes), Emily Bindiger, (that's me partially obscured behind her), David Ippolito, Rosie Vallese, Brian Bauers (tall dude), Bill Mitchell, Dennis Deal, Jim Vincent, Julie Gold, Erik Frandsen, and David Rasche

BRAND NEW REVIEW (December 19):
Dr. Christmas presents 17th annual survey of new Christmas CDs
By Gerry Grzyb
The Oshkosh Wisconsin Post-Crescent
December 19, 2010

Probably the best lyrics of this season are found on the 22 songs presented by about as many singer/songwriters on “Christine Lavin Presents Just One Angel.”   Beginning with the plaintive “Won’t You Please Stay for Christmas, Santa Claus?” from actor and Oshkosh fave Jeff Daniels, and proceeding through such gems as “The Christians and the Pagans”, “Jewish Kid Born On Christmas Day Talkin’ Blues”, and “When You’re Single at Christmastime”, this disc is full of tunes that say much more about the conditions of life in our times than songs with “thither” and “yore” in them.

 NIGHTLIFE EXCHANGE REVIEW OF JUST ONE ANGEL and here, thanks to videographer Sandi Bachom, is the inimitable Erik Frandsen singing his immortal "Christmas In Brooklyn" that night:  

Here's photos snapped by Gordon Nash:  JUST ONE ANGEL BARNES & NOBLE EVENT

Thank you, all who came to our event at NYC's Lincoln Triangle BARNES & NOBLE on Wednesday, Nov. 10th.  We SANG, signed CDs, and spread unique New York cheer to all:


22 artists . . . Christmas/Hanukah/Solstice/New Year's Songs


Kate Taylor and Larry Murante were played by Maggie Ferguson in MI
Jeff Daniels, Megon McDonough, The Accidentals and Uncle Bonsai were played by Randy Auxier in IL
Erik Frandsen and Kate Taylor were played by Kevin Elliott in IL
Erik Frandsen was played by Harlon Joye in GA
Sally Fingerett was played by Pamela Smith in CT
Lori Lieberman and Larry Murante played by Susan Forbes Hansen in CT
Larry Murante was played by Steve Brockway in CO
Erik Fransden, David Rasche and Sally Fingerett were played by John Platt in NY
Jeff Daniels, Megon McDonough and Erik Balkey were played by Karen Impola in IA
Christine Lavin & The Accidentals, and Darryl Purpose were played by Craig Huegel in FL
Jeff Daniels and Christine Lavin & The Accidentals were played by Bob McWilliams in KS
Christine Lavin & The Accidentals were played by John Bommarito in MI
Roy Zimmerman and Christine Lavin & The Accidentals played by Danny Watson in Australia
Diana Gold in Portland, ME played Janis Ian and Sally Fingerett
Ruby and Ava Locknar were played by Gerd Stassen in Germany
Megon McDonough and Debi Smith were played by Art Dean in CT
Jeff Daniels was played by Maggie Ferguson in MI
Hilary Field was played by Mitch Park in New Zealand
Larry Murante and Darryl Purpose were played by Diane Crowe in MA
Larry Murante was played by Mike Alzo in CT
Hilary Field was played by Susan Forbes Hansen in CT
Christine Lavin and Larry Murante were played by Blair Larsen in UT
Jeff Daniels was played by Harlon Joye in G-
Megon McDonough was played by Michael Stock in FL
Hilary Field and David Ippolito were played by Bill Stuart in FL
Sally Fingerett was played by Charlie Backfish in NY
Erik Frandsen was played by Tom Coxworth in Canada
Sue Matsuki was played by Susan Forbes Hansen in CT
Larry Murante and Erik Balkey were played by John Bommarito in MI

Roy Zimmerman was played by Mitch Park in New Zealand
David Ippolito and Roy Zimmerman were played by Gene Shay in PA
Janis Ian and Darryl Purpose were played by John Bommarito in MI
Janis Ian was played by Charlie Backfish in NY
Lori Lieberman and Erik Balkey were played by Clytia Fuller in CA
Larry Murante was played by Charlie Backfish in NY
Ruby & Ava Locknar played by Dave Palmater, WUMB

Ruby & Ava and Darryl Purpose were played by Mitch Park in New Zealand
Debi Smith and Erik Balkey were played by Dan Alloway in TX
Julie Gold was played by Taylor Caffery in Louisiana
Lori Lieberman and Erik Balkey were played by Tom Bingham in NY
Jeff Daniels and Larry Murante were played by Gaye Auxier in IL
Larry Murante and Christine Lavin were played by Brenda & Roman in Canada
Sally Fingerett, David Rasche and Ruby & Ava were played by Mara Noelle in CA
Lori Lieberman and Sue Matsuki were played by Maggie Ferguson in MI
Jeff Daniels, Uncle Bonsai, Christine Lavin, Ruby & Ava, Darryl Purpose and Sally Fingerett were played by Deadwood Dick in CA
Megon McDonough was played by Art Dean in CT
Janis Ian was played by Bill Revill in CT
Ruby and Ava were played by John Platt in NY
Ruby and Ava were played by Menachem Vinegrad in Israel
Jeff Daniels was played by Gerd Stassen in Germany
Darryl Purpose and Christine Lavin were played by Bob McWilliams in KS
Christine Lavin and Hilary Field were played by Chris McGill in NY
Larry Murante was played by Ed McDonald in WV

Larry Murante was played by Tamara Lewis in WA
Ruby & Ava, and Sally Fingerett were played by Rich Warren in IL
Erik Balkey, Sally Fingerett, Ruby & Ava, Darryl Purpose were played by Taylor Caffery in Louisiana
Megon McDonough and Jeff Daniels were played by Chris McGill in NY
Megon McDonough and Jeff Daniels were played by Clytia Fuller in CA
Ruby & Ava, and Sally Fingerett were played by Brenda in Canada
Larry Murante was played by Maggie Ferguson in MI
Larry Murante was played by Frank Gosar in OR
Erik Frandsen was played by Mel DeYoung in PA
Roy Zimmerman were played by Gene Shay in PA
Larry Murante was played by Charlie Backfish in NY
Roy Zimmerman was played by Mitch Park in New Zealand
David Ippolito and Roy Zimmerman were played by Gene Shay in PA
Janis Ian and Darryl Purpose were played by John Bommarito in MI
Janis Ian was played by Charlie Backfish in NY
Lori Lieberman and Erik Balkey were played by Clytia Fuller in CA
Roy Zimmerman was played by Mitch Park in New Zealand
David Ippolito and Roy Zimmerman were played by Gene Shay in PA
Janis Ian and Darryl Purpose were played by John Bommarito in MI
Janis Ian was played by Charlie Backfish in NY
Lori Lieberman and Erik Balkey were played by Clytia Fuller in CA
Larry Murante was played by Charlie Backfish in NY
Ruby & Ava Locknar played by Dave Palmater, WUMB in Boston


Off the wall or under the tree . . .
the greatest selection of holiday songs this side of the North Pole!"
-- Gene Shay, The Dean of Folk Radio

It’s that time of year again already, kids! Thought I’d drop the news that the Holiday season is upon us and we’re all yet another year older. But to soften that news we do have a new CD to help lift the blues:  a compilation featuring the likes of actor Jeff Daniels, Kate Taylor, legendary singer/songwriter Janis Ian and “From a Distance” scribe Julie Gold. Entitled Just One Angel, it is produced by the wonderful Christine Lavin (also joining The Accidentals for a the comical “When You’re Single at Christmastime”), and dedicated to dearly missed songwriter/entertainer, John Wallowitch. Tunes here run the gamut from haunting to hilarious, with Sue Matsuki singing the lovely new ballad, “Christmas Angel” (lyric by Ms. Matsuki, music by Paul Stephan).

Kate Taylor delivers a folksy, plaintive version of “Auld Lang Syne,” with arrangement and complimentary vocals by brother James, and Ms. Ian gives us the gift of “Joy.” As is befitting the dedication, David Ippolito supplies the simply breathtaking Wallowitch composition “This Moment,” which I am stealing (well, learning at any rate) this very moment!

"At a time when the music world is drowning in holiday albums of excess,
along comes Just One Angel (Seattle's Yellow Tail Records)
a very imaginative gem produced by Christine Lavin that is sure to get a lot of attention.
The CD is a widely eclectic mix of holiday pastiche filled with pathos and light-hearted romps
covering every conceivable funny and nostalgic spin on the season that is a must-have
for anyone tired of the norm and appreciating the common joys and madness
of 22 reverent and irreverent contemporary songwriters of today."
-- John Hoglund/


When I received an advance copy of Christine Lavin's new Holiday CD JUST ONE ANGEL realized that this was a basket of Holiday treats to be savored and sampled all season long. It's composed of 22 tracks of delightful songs, performed by 22 delightful singer/songwriters.

To single out one special song from this amazing list of choices would be about as impossible as deciding on a favorite in a basket of Holiday goodies! All I will say is that each song is a delicious treat - some are familiar favorites but most are songs new to me, and probably to you as well.

Available now at YELLOWTAIL RECORDS and soon at probably a dozen other places where CDs are sold. The album is dedicated to the late John Wallowitch (whose song "This Moment," a cabaret favorite, is included on the CD). A great stocking stuffer that should be unwrapped
and consumed before Christmas!
- Stu Hamstra Cabaret Hotline

Jeff Daniels
Megon McDonough
The Accidentals
Erik Frandsen
David Rasche
Roy Zimmerman
Ruby & Ava Locknar
Hilary Field
Sue Matsuki
Debi Smith
Lori Lieberman
Erik Balkey
Julie Gold
Larry Murante
Darryl Purpose
Uncle Bonsai
Sally Fingerett
Christine Lavin
Deirdre Flint
David Ippolito
Kate Taylor
Janis Ian